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An Allegation Letter on Torture Bill Submitted to UN SR on Torture
December: Advocacy Forum (AF), in coordination with TRIAL International, Association for Prevention of Torture (APT), HimRights and THRD Alliance jointly submitted an allegation letter on torture bill to the UN Special Rapporteur on torture on 13 December 2016. The letter has analyzed the problematic provisions in the draft bill like: limited definition and prohibition of torture (Section 2 (k), Section 3), limited responsibilities of the "Charge of Office" (Section 6), insufficient sanctions and penalties (Section 20), short statute of limitation (Section 11), inadequate provisions on reparation (Section 22 (1)) etc.
The organizations submitting this allegation letter respectfully request the Special Rapporteur to review the draft Bill and ask Nepal to comment on any identified Concerns and suggest that the Special Rapporteur consider raising the following issues:
For full information, please click here: Allegation Letter concerning the “Draft Torture and Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment (control) Bill”, 2014
For full information about Torture Bill Analysis Brief, please click here: The Torture and Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment (Control) Bill 2014, a brief paper
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